A photo of me in front of the Stawamus Chief mountain, taken from Slhany  ridge

Dr. Daniel Korchinski

office: BSP 528 (Cubotron UNIL)
Rte de la Sorge, Lausanne, Switzerland
email: daniel.korchinski(at)epfl(dot)ch
Google Scholar, Twitter, GitHub, Curriculum Vitae


I am a physicist studying complex systems. Many such systems self-organize into critical states, where dynamics are scale-free and correlated across the system. These scale-free fluctuations we recognize as avalanches or earthquakes.

In my MSc with Joern Davidsen, I studied neuronal avalanches and how they might be altered by sensory input or spontaneous activation (e.g. by spontaneous neurotransmitter release).

For my PhD, I studied the avalanches of shear transformations that occur as amorphous solids are deformed. As with my MSc, I like to understand to what extent the "clean" phase transition exists: are finite-size effects ruling the system? What about temperature effects? And what happens when temperature competes strongly with driving rate?

Currently, I am working with the group of Matthieu Wyart to develop a physics of deep learning.


Abelian Sandpile Visualization
Newton Fractal Visualization